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Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

HP Pavilion dv6-7112he Drivers

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Untuk file driver tentang bisa anda download dibawah ini.

HP Pavilion dv6-7112he Entertainment For Windows 8 (64Bit)

File name/Size

IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio 
This package contains that enables the IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio6.10.6425.0sp59654.exe [1/1, 43.27M]

Chipset Installation Utility 
This package contains the Chipset Installation Utility [1/1, 2.52M]

Management Engine Interface (MEI) 
The Management Engine Interface enables communication between the host operating system and the Management Engine firmware8.1.0.1263sp58394.exe [1/1, 31.71M]

Rapid Start Technology 
This package provides the Rapid Start Technology
sp58398.exe [1/1, 2.16M]

NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics 
This package provides that enables the NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics

sp59787.exe [1/1, 291.99M]

High-Definition (HD) Graphics 
This package provides that enables the High-Definition (HD) Graphics9.17.10.2843sp59178.exe [1/1, 151.43M]

NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics 
This package provides that enables the NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics9.18.13.546sp58597.exe [1/1, 291.62M]

Synaptics TouchPad 
enables general touchpad functionality (for example double-tap and scroll) and provides a user interface16.2.15.0sp59085.exe [1/1, 135.98M]

Validity Fingerprint Sensor 
This package contains that enables the Validity Fingerprint Sensor4.4.234.0sp58900.exe [1/1, 35.36M]

Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth 4.0+HS for Microsoft Win8
This package contains the installation package for the Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth1.00sp60071.exe [1/1, 181.35M]

Ralink 802.11 Wireless LAN Adapter
This package contains the installation package for the Ralink 2012 wireless LAN Controllers5.0.5.0sp59525.exe [1/1, 31.88M]

Qualcomm Atheros AR9000 Series Wireless LAN for Microsoft
This package contains the installation package for the Qualcomm Atheros AR9000 Series wireless LAN Controller1.00sp59336.exe [1/1, 31.53M]

Broadcom Bluetooth Software 
The package contains the Broadcom bluetooth and software which enables the Broadcom bluetooth 4.0 devices12.0.0.2100sp59021.exe [1/1, 165.73M]

Broadcom Wireless LAN for Microsoft Wind 8
This package contains the Broadcom Wireless LAN that are required to enable the integrated Broadcom Wireless LAN Adapter6.30.59.49sp58848.exe [1/1, 24.5M]

Realtek Local Area Network (LAN) 
This package provides the Realtek Local Area Network (LAN) that enables the Realtek Network Interface Card (NIC) Chip8.2.612.2012sp58420.exe [1/1, 5.83M]

Realtek Card Reader 
This package contains that enables the Realtek Card Reader6.2.8400.29034sp59653.exe [1/1, 17.31M]

Rapid Storage Technology 
This package contains the Rapid Storage Technology [1/1, 8.74M]

HP Notebook System BIOS Update (Processors)
The update installs on supported notebook models using a supported Microsoft Operating System. A reboot is required to complete the installationF.23
sp60271.exe [1/1, 6.53M]

HP Pavilion dv6-7112he Entertainment For Windows 7 (64Bit)

File name/Size

High-Definition (HD) Audio 
This package contains that enables the IDT High-Definition (HD) Audio1.00sp57966.exe [1/1, 42.96M]

Chipset Installation Utility and 
This utility enables the operating system to show the correct name for the installed hardware in the Microsoft Device Manager9.3.0.1019sp56156.exe [1/1, 2.5M]

Management Engine Interface (MEI) 
The Management Engine Interface enables communication between the host operating system and the Management Engine firmware8.0.0.1262sp56158.exe [1/1, 23.5M]

USB 3.0 Host Controller 
This package provides the Intel USB 3.0 Host Controller for the supported notebook models and operating systems. The enables USB 3.0 devices1.0.0.199sp56164.exe [1/1, 5.42M]

NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics 
This package provides that enables the NVIDIA High-Definition (HD) Graphics9.18.13.614sp59787.exe [1/1, 291.99M]

High-Definition (HD) Graphics 
This package provides that enables the High-Definition (HD) Graphics8.15.10.2712sp56808.exe [1/1, 151.89M]

Validity Fingerprint Sensor 
This package contains that enables the Validity Fingerprint Sensor4.3.301.0sp56403.exe [1/1, 30.74M]

Synaptics TouchPad 
This package provides that enables the Synaptics TouchPad15.3.29.0sp56168.exe [1/1, 105.05M]

Validity Fingerprint Sensor 
This package contains the that enables the Validity Fingerprint Sensor [1/1, 30.62M]

Ralink Bluetooth Software 
This package contains the installation package for the Ralink Bluetooth9.2.10.10sp59632.exe [1/1, 80.55M]

Wireless , PROSet, and My WiFi for Microsoft Wind 7
This package contains the  Wireless and PROSet for the Wireless LAN Adapters15.2.0.19sp58641.exe [1/1, 171.19M]

Broadcom Wireless LAN for Microsoft Wind 7
This package contains the Broadcom Wireless LAN that are required to enable the integrated Broadcom Wireless LAN Adapter [1/1, 35.3M]

Ralink 802.11 b/g/n WiFi Adapter
This package contains the installation package for the Ralink Wireless LAN Controllers3.2.13.0sp57538.exe [1/1, 22.39M]

PROSet Bluetooth 
This package contains the installation package for the Bluetooth2.1sp56959.exe [1/1, 90.35M]

Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 and Software
Broadcom Bluetooth 4.0 is required to enable Broadcom bluetooth 4.0 devices and is compatible with Broadcom bluetooth 3.0 and earlier versions6.5sp56715.exe [1/1, 234.14M]

Atheros Wireless LAN 
This package provides to support the Atheros Wireless LAN adapter9.2.0.469sp56252.exe [1/1, 106.86M]

Rapid Storage Technology 
The Rapid Storage Technology is designed to provide functionality for the Storage Controllers. The improves Serial ATA (SATA) disk performance with Native Command Queuing11.0.0.1032sp56163.exe [1/1, 8.55M]

Realtek Card Reader 
This package contains that enables the Realtek Card Reader6.1.7601.29005sp56166.exe [1/1, 10.95M]

HP Notebook System BIOS Update ( Processors)
The update installs on supported notebook models using a supported Microsoft Operating System. A reboot is required to complete the installationF.23sp60271.exe [1/1, 6.53M]

HP Pavilion dv6-7112he Drivers Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown